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Happy Figure

May 6, 2024
By in Uncategorized

I’ve been playing Phantom Brave and Disgaea 2. I don’t have much to say about either of them because I’m still grinding. Go look at some of the art on Creative Uncut, here and here, but… Ugh, video games are fucking stupid! Turn that shit off. I wanna talk about music.

Elliott Smith’s Figure 8 turned 24 years old back in April. Relistening to it a few times, I think it’s still grappling with Roman Candle for my second favorite album of his. It’s a little more commercial than his self-titled album or Either/Or and the lyricism isn’t quite as deep, but there’s still a lot of emotion. Here’s a sample, a more literal pop song (perhaps moreso than anything else he’d ever written) called “Wouldn’t Mama Be Proud?


It makes me think of a really somber and reflective vacation or a luxurious trip the writer isn’t sure they really deserve. Like I said, it’s a pretty literal song and maybe not the best example of his entire discography, but I could say the same about most of Figure 8 and I still really love it.

Thanks for reading. I’ve been doing housework all day and my arms are still recovering from yesterdays heavy lifting. I’m still not sure why I thought it would make more sense to carry a fence vertically rather than horizontally.


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