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Hey I hope this is enough incentive for ppl to check out the site more frequently, there’s gotta be some guys out there thinking “golly I gotta see what the greatest animators on the whole damn internet have to say rn!” and they check in to read up on all our exclusive takes and ideals, only on Tornada.net!!!

I intend to post here somewhat frequently, I have a lot of random thoughts that I always intend to blog about on Newgrounds, but I always feel the need to make it more formal and proper sounding, so i just never get around to it. Not that Newgrounds even really encourages that so idk why I feel that way, but here I feel more comfortable posting whatever spur of the moment shit comes to mind.

I was listening to this in the car earlier while carefully maneuvering through slow heavy traffic and I thought the juxtaposition was really funny lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNHoWdid7ag That’d be a good gag for a cartoon actually DON’T STEAL I might use that!

At some point I’ll post more informative behind the scenes stuff but for now It’ll prolly just be dumb shit like this, Alexmigo signing out!


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