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Hey I hope this is enough incentive for ppl to check out the site more frequently, there’s gotta be some guys out there thinking “golly I gotta see what the greatest animators on the whole damn internet have to say rn!” and they check in to read up on all our exclusive takes and ideals, […]

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Is this blog?

Mar 14, 2024

hello? Why can’t I upload my own images

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The Main Course! If you are able to read this, it means that I have succeeded at click the giant “PUBLISH” button in the corner! This really works, confirmed, verified, and fact-checked by Cokenutz and the rest of the team. I will use this to talk about CokeVentures, post previews (for those that go out […]

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Hello there, everyone! Welcome to the new website, and also the new blog page!! There’ll be plenty in store here on this new site. Stuff such as: All of our cartoons, comics, the new blog, and some other downloadable goodies!!! Enjoy your stay!!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ P.S.: If you notice any bugs or weird quirks […]

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Mar 14, 2024

This is the Tornada Blog! We’re gonna use this to post quite literally whatever. Opinions, discussions, behind-the-scenes stuff, you name it. This is Claykid, by the way, I’m the one handling everything server-side here (it’s WordPress). Getting the blog to match the rest of the site was pretty easy, to be honest. Thought this would […]

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