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Hello again. I didn’t expect that it would be a full month since my introductory blog post, but I wanted to wait til the launch of the site before writing anything. I hope everyone had a good 4/20. I did get high but it made me really paranoid. I also haven’t been drawing lately so I don’t have much to show on that front.

Here are some more games I’ve been playing recently (warning: lethal dosage of Nomura).

Kingdom Hearts

I tried really hard to like this game but it sucks really badly. I have no nostalgia for Disney since I’ve never seen a Disney movie but even I can tell how safe they played it for most of this. I really liked Halloween Town, some of Hollow Bastion and End of the World, and Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 2 have been much much better so far, so it’s not all bad.

Final Fantasy VIII

The portrait art in this game is, seriously, absolutely hideous. Squall is the most childishly moody JRPG protagonist possible, but I really like his design which means I like him as a character, okay? I got really lucky killing Diablo because Selphie has an RNG instant kill. Some of these characters show up in Kingdom Hearts too and act exactly as you’d expect.

Castlevania Bloodlines

It’s a perfectly fine classic Castlevania. I think the whipping is especially good, but the main reason I like it is just that I love how horror-themed games look on the Genesis. If I had the patience to beat Splatterhouse 2 or 3 I would probably gush about them for the same reason and very little else.

Thanks for reading.


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